My Activity Tracking
My target 100 mi
I'm running a half marathon for cerebral palsy research in honor of Jack!
My nephew, Jack, was born with CP and has undergone a battery of tests and procedures to ultimately diagnose and treat him properly. He recently underwent a difficult tendon transfer operation to increase his chances of having the ability to walk.
In honor of Jack, and my sister & brother-in-law's tremendous efforts, I’m raising funds and awareness for Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF) to move cerebral palsy research and disability innovation forward.
Any contribution you make will make a difference. Your gift will support:
- Studies focused on unlocking movement for people with CP — from holding their head up for the first time to taking steps in ways they never have before.
- Technology that makes it easier for people with CP to grasp and grip items they need.
- Research into the chronic pain that affects 14.5 million people with CP.
- Innovation that makes it possible for people with CP to access and control their personal technology with voice commands, facial expressions, body gestures, and more.
Please help me reach my giving goal. Together, we change lives and move CP research forward.
Thanks so much for your support!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Abbye And Susan Silver

Rico Sredni
We love you!! Goodluck!!

Jackson, Caroline & Luke

Brad And Megan

What an awesome thing to do. I love you and am so proud of you. May your running be a prayer and go directly to HaShem’s ears and back to our Jack.

Meir & Sari

Run, Jesse, Run!

Rikki Rutchik And Kirk Rovinsky

Yasher Koach!!

Harriet Reisman-snyder
You are such a Mensch Jesse. Sending our prayers to Jack 🙏🏻

Ester Gorin
B”H Jack’s surgery is a success!

Adrienne & Jeffrey Scheck Family
Fantastic! Best for success and Jack’s tender and comprehensive care, love and attention! Thank you for the opportunity to support!

David Woldenberg

Susie Simon
So proud of all the hard work you’ve put into this race and raising funds for CP! Keep it going- this is just the beginning.

Rebecca Levy

Jackie Blumstein
What a beautiful gesture! Praying that your efforts will pave the way for research to help your nephew, Jack and so many others. We are cheering you on!! 🩷🙏🩷

Jim & Judy Kline
You are doing a very special thing! Good on you!

James And Ali Cashat
Thanks for the opportunity to recognize Jack and his awesome parents!

Aviva Sredni

Alexandra Garcia
Jack is so incredibly lucky to have a family so involved and devoted. It’s beautiful to witness from the sidelines. I’m cheering you and the Simon/Salganik/Silver team along!!!

Mickey Taillard

Karen Otworth

Dr. Rafi Coaching
I hope & pray that CPARF continues to advance it's research while producing groundbreaking and innovate new technologies in changing the lives of millions.

Debbie Hersh

Daniel, Zoie, Emmet, And Naomi Silver
Good luck!!

Michael & Nicole Deluca

Keely Campbell
Sending love and support to Max, Leah, and Jack! - Keely

Michele Chernoff-dinetz
Jesse you have a heart of Gold. 💛 How lucky your patients will be! Great nephew Jack you come from a strong resilient tribe! G-d bless & protect you little one .

Joey And Justine Salganik
Please finish in the top 3. Don’t disappoint us.


Sylvia Oszczapinski

The Schmucker Family
Thank you!

Billy & Gaelle

Lois Goldberg
Appreciate your efforts for this beautiful boy.

Ben And Michelle Andron
May Jack have a refuah shelema!

Jo Spark

Cora Steinberg
Love you Jack, Nikki, Max!

Daniel Lee

Ilan Sredni

Abby Teper
In memory of my brother who had cerebral palsy.

Jack Silver
We love you, Tio! Thank you for your continuous support! We are so lucky!

Martha Amin

Murry Brown
Saint Jesse!!! 👏👏

Kathy/tom Higier
You ARE the good Jesse. Thanks for the opportunity to help!

Mitchell Morris
Continue to be a leader, an example, you’re an incredible person Jesse!

Maggie Reynolds

Moises And Ana Goein
May Hashem will help find a cure soon good luck Jesse on the marathon !!!

Helga Gorin
Go Jessie! Thanks for raising awareness of this terrible disease and hoping your nephew has a Refuah Shlema.

Moshe Trepp
You are a special uncle. Hashem should bless your sweet nephew with a Rafuah Shalaima!

Friedlander Family

Olivia’s Biggest Fan

Adouth Family

Makenzey Leavins
You got this!

Macy Anderson & Beau Bost
Praying for Jack & his fam! What a blessing to have family like Jesse and Susie.

Noelle Rogers
Sending prayers Jack!!! What a beautiful thing to do.

Lauren Jaehne
Good luck!! This is absolutely incredible of you!!

Raquel Alalu
So proud of you in every way. Go Jack!! You are a warrior.

Melissa Haynes

Coach D.
Best of luck, Jesse. Thank you for caring and my best wishes to Jack.

Meredith & George Harmon
That is wonderful❤️

Good luck and good for you! Wishing your nephew all the best! Much love- Renee, Greyson, Griffon &Ella Rubin

Raylene Silver

Jason Zheng

Congrats Jesse for supporting a great cause on behalf of your nephew !

Bradey Nerwich

Cydney Paden

Aaron And Alix Steinberg
Love you Jack and Jesse!

Jesse Blount


Beth Pogostin

Bamba’s Bestie
Good luck, Jesse! So proud of all your hard work! Much love and support to Jack and his family :)

Luke Lee

Roy & Gonie
What a noble cause. Sending love.

Grayson Knox

Ellee Leva
Good luck Jesse!!! Jack is so lucky to have an uncle like you!

Joshua Winograd
Crush it

Mitchell Bradley
Go Jesse!


Jason Epstein
My cousin has CP too. Several innovations in the past decade or so have helped him better communicate and engage. Thanks for organizing and best of luck on the race! 🙌


Eliana Shapiro
Go Jesse!! Kick some butt!

Cory And Shira Hartstein
Good luck in your efforts 💪🏼

What a wonderful uncle! Good luck training!