Ways to Move

Make the first MOVE. Be the change YOU want to see.

Move4CP is all about doing what moves you. Which means it’s about much more than putting one foot in front of the other.

Consistancy is the key to acheiving your MOVE goal and that means being active every day.

Whether you're staying at home, getting out more often or landing somewhere in the middle, here are some suggestions for you.

Go for a 30-minute walk, run, or cycle outside.

Summer is here. Fresh air, sunshine, and a brisk early morning walk, wheel, or run is a great way to start the day.


Many elderly people are still unable to leave their homes or long-term care facilities often, and immunocompromised people of every age face this challenge, too. Offer to do a grocery run or help with necessary errands. Offer comfortably-distanced company. Help them tend to their property, and help them connect with their loved ones virtually.

Physical Therapy

If physical therapy is an essential part of your routine and you’re pursuing a movement goal, this counts toward it!

Yoga or Meditation

Search for free online yoga videos. Choose one that includes 10 minutes of meditation to help clear your mind.

Paint or Draw

Break out the brushes, bright colors, and clean canvases. Spend your time creating a new painting or working on a long-term piece. Or take out your sketchbook and pencils and draw whatever comes to mind.

Low-Impact Home Cardio

If you have an exercise bike at home, then you’re all set. If not, try this low impact routine to get your heart pumping. Do each exercise for 30 - 45 seconds, then rest for 15 - 20 seconds. Move to the next exercise and repeat the full cycle five times.

  • Wide stance squat
  • Mountain climbers
  • Alternate reverse lunge (right leg, then left leg)
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Forearm plank


Grab a fresh journal or open a new document and write or type away. Whether it’s your life story, complete fiction, a witty haiku, or random thoughts, it’s all worth getting down.