Start a Facebook Fundraiser


Fundraising is now as easy as 1, 2, 3.  By connecting your Move page to your Facebook page, you can now raise funds by starting a Facebook Fundraisers directly from your Move dashboard.

It's a super easy way to raise funds as Facebook will promote your efforts and publish notifications about your Move challenge to update your friends and family on your progress.

All donations made to your Facebook Fundraiser will display on your Move4CP fundraising page and add to your fundraising total. Starting a Facebook Fundraiser is as simple as following these three steps.


  • Log on to your Move4CP page. In the top right hand corner you'll see your name.
  • Point the cursor on your name and select either 'My Dashboard' or "Fundraising Tools'
  • On the cover photo under your name you'll see a large green button "Create a Facebook Fundraiser"
  • Click the green button

TIP: Make sure you are using the same device or laptop you would normally use to access Facebook. If you are using a different device or a public device - make sure you log in to your Facebook account first.


  • Give permission for CPARF (that's us) to create a Facebook Fundraiser on your behalf - click 'Allow'
  • Then sit back and watch the magic happen ....
  • Your Move and Facebook account pages will talk to each other ... and your Fundraiser will be created.


  • To view your Facebook fundraiser - click on 'View Facebook Fundraiser'
  • Or - go to your Facebook profile page and you can view it there

Final Tip

All your followers will be able to view your Facebook Fundraiser in their feed, but to make sure that you get the best results - be sure to invite all your followers to view your fundraiser.

  • Go to View Facebook Fundraiser
  • On your Fundraiser page - right hand side, Invite friends
  • Select everyone you wish-  and Facebook will send them a notification to view.
  • Super easy...